Friday, May 11, 2012

Interview with the Artist: Anita Miller, Winner of the April Art/Craft Contest!

1. Tell us about yourself 
I received my first camera when I was 12, from that moment my love of photography grew. I enjoy capturing just about anything that I can with my camera. For me, everything I see is a picture that is waiting to be captured. Sometimes, I see the photo as a story that is waiting to be told. Other times, I see the photo as a painting that is waiting to be created. I will spend any amount of time to trying capture the image as I have pictured it in my mind. I tend to lose myself completely when I am taking pictures. It is like my camera becomes extension/part of me and I think it is because of that, I am able to capture beautiful images. 

2. How would you describe your work?  
 If I were to use three words to describe my work, I would use dreamy, peaceful, and revealing.  Peaceful, because that is how I feel when I am taking the photographs.  Dreamy because I can see the image in my mind before I take the first picture.  I say revealing because through each picture that I take, I feel like I am revealing a little bit more of who I am.  When I am behind my camera, that is when I am most vulnerable.
3.  What is the inspiration behind your art? 
Nature inspires me, how everything changes from season to season.  I think that maybe it because everything is always changing that every image feels like it is the first picture I took.  I can spend hours taking pictures of the same subject matter in order to capture that one image or series of images that I have pictured in my mind before I started.
4. Who do you admire?  
Georgia O'Keefe, I love her nature images and how she captured trees in both living and dying phases.  Annie Griffiths, I love just about every image that she captures especially nature and travel photographs. 
5.  Where can we find your work? <----IndieMade Store

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Feng Shui and Creativity

Hi, I'm Ingrid from GueGue Creations.  I have been fascinated with Feng Shui for many years.  A couple of years ago, I attended a weekend seminar at the New York Open Center.  It fueled my passion for Feng Shui!  In this first blog, I will explain what Feng Shui is and share  tips on how to enhance the creativity energy center of your home.  

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science which has existed for over 5,000 years.  It is described as "the Chinese art of placement and design."  The Chinese words Feng Shui means "wind" and "water".  In the Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health; therefore, good Feng Shui means good fortune.  The flow of energy or "Chi" is the energy found inside and outside of your body.  It's quality affects your stress levels and performance.  The goal of Feng Shui is to create and attract the best Chi in your surroundings to support a good flow of Chi inside your body.  Feng Shui is not a decorating style, it's a principle that can be incorporated into any decor.  Feng Shui is a way of life, become aware of the energy that surrounds you and learn to follow and trust your gut instincts.

There are several schools of Feng Shui.  The one I'm most familiar with is the Black Sect School.  It uses the Bagua, a map consisting of 9 sections "guas" each represents an aspect of your life.  Each aspect of your life corresponds to an energy center within your home.  Below is a picture of a Bagua including all the energy centers.  Creativity/Children is the middle right.

The 9 centers of the Bagua:
Health and Well-Being - center
Love and Relationships - rear right
Career - front middle
Wealth and Prosperity - rear left
Family - middle left
Creativity and Children - middle right
Knowledge and Wisdom - front left
Fame and Reputation - rear middle
Helpful People - front right

The center for creativity is shared with children; creative thoughts are ideas waiting to be given birth to.

First, draw a simple overhead sketch of the floor plan of your home to identify it's shape.  Include all areas with roofs and sides that are attached to the main structure.  Now, divide it into 9 equal parts as above.   In order to locate the 9 energy centers, you will now superimpose the Bagua onto the floor plan.   The front door of your home determines the placement of the Bagua.  Lay the Bagua on top of the sketch of your home so that the front door is in Knowledge and Wisdom, Career or Helpful People. These 3 centers will always be at the bottom of your drawing.  Once you locate which center your front door opens into; the rest are easy to find.  *If your home is large, one center may include 2 or 3 rooms.  If your home is small, you may find 3 centers in one room.  You may also find missing energy centers in your floor plan; don't worry, it can be remedied.

Enhance your Creative and Children energy center to:
Achieve success on creative projects
Remove creative blocks
Increase your child's learning skills
Improve the relationship between yourself and your child

Negative Symbols that must be removed from this energy center:
Objects representing creative mishaps
Pictures of people who don't believe or support your creative projects
Your child's unsuccessful projects
Remove all Clutter!  Clutter exist in physical and emotional form.  If unpleasant memories come to   mind when you look at an object, It is emotional clutter.  Get rid of it.

Enhancements:  (add underlined enhancers immediately)
Healthy plants
Lamps or Light sources
Metal picture frames, candle holders and electronic equipments
White items and pastels as accents
Childlike toys (if you want to encourage a pregnancy)
Arts and craft supplies
Music and musical instruments
Environmental anchors for creativity - prints of a favorite artist, sculptor, poetry, handmade arts and crafts
Baby items (if you want to encourage a pregnancy)
Your child's artwork, good report cards, drawings, and projects (to increase your child's learning skills and creativity)

Once you have enhanced the main creative energy center of your home, you can use the Bagua to locate and enhance the creative center in every room of your home.  The bagua can be applied to every space and flat surface (desktop, nightstand, dresser etc)

Have fun Feng Shui'ing!

To visit my online jewelry shop, go to:

References:  Feng Shui your life, Jayme Barrett