Sunday, April 29, 2012

Crafty Tips

Nicole from Free Bitch Crafts and Gifts here and reporting for duty!

No one likes doing things the hard way (well, at least I don't!) so I am always on the lookout for little tips to make things go a bit more smoothly. Here is a list of some of my favorite tips:

  1. Free online tutorials. If you want to try something but don't really know how to go about getting started, there is a free tutorial or pattern for it. A great place to find some unique patterns and tutorials is Free Pattern
  2. Invest in a well organized storage unit. Knowing where that specific color thread or fire polished bead can make or break a project. Don't gamble with perfection. Stay organized. Michaels often holds 50% off storage item promotions. Other great places to find cheap storage containers are Target and Walmart
  3. Join Michaels Rewards program. Get exclusive sales, coupons, and crafting tips and ideas as soon as you sign up. Accumulate points to reach the Gold status to save even more. The best part? IT'S FREE!
  4. Start a blog. Blogging is a great way to meet other crafters who have a wealth of information. Blogging is also a great way to make sure you stay on target with your goals and keep track of your progress. Tip Junkie has some great tips for helping you blog.
  5. Invest in quality supplies. When you are starting out, the cheapest option might seem like the best idea. IT'S NOT! For a couple of bucks more, you can invest in some high quality tools that LAST. Many even come with a lifetime warranty where companies will repair or replace damaged tools due to natural wear. Now, this doesn't mean you should blow all of your savings on top of the line tools, especially if you don't feel like you're going to stick with it. Buy the tools that fit your needs, not the tools that just barely got the job done.
  6. Lastly, HAVE FUN!!! If it's not fun or fulfilling, try a different method out. Don't force yourself to do something you don't like, especially if you feel lie you've bitten off more than you can chew. Take a deep breathe and analyze the situation.

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