Friday, May 11, 2012

Interview with the Artist: Anita Miller, Winner of the April Art/Craft Contest!

1. Tell us about yourself 
I received my first camera when I was 12, from that moment my love of photography grew. I enjoy capturing just about anything that I can with my camera. For me, everything I see is a picture that is waiting to be captured. Sometimes, I see the photo as a story that is waiting to be told. Other times, I see the photo as a painting that is waiting to be created. I will spend any amount of time to trying capture the image as I have pictured it in my mind. I tend to lose myself completely when I am taking pictures. It is like my camera becomes extension/part of me and I think it is because of that, I am able to capture beautiful images. 

2. How would you describe your work?  
 If I were to use three words to describe my work, I would use dreamy, peaceful, and revealing.  Peaceful, because that is how I feel when I am taking the photographs.  Dreamy because I can see the image in my mind before I take the first picture.  I say revealing because through each picture that I take, I feel like I am revealing a little bit more of who I am.  When I am behind my camera, that is when I am most vulnerable.
3.  What is the inspiration behind your art? 
Nature inspires me, how everything changes from season to season.  I think that maybe it because everything is always changing that every image feels like it is the first picture I took.  I can spend hours taking pictures of the same subject matter in order to capture that one image or series of images that I have pictured in my mind before I started.
4. Who do you admire?  
Georgia O'Keefe, I love her nature images and how she captured trees in both living and dying phases.  Annie Griffiths, I love just about every image that she captures especially nature and travel photographs. 
5.  Where can we find your work? <----IndieMade Store


  1. Thank you so much! It looks great!

  2. Beautiful Interview, Your work is stunning!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's so interesting to read about your work and inspiration, Anita.

  5. I knew a winner when I found your shop on Etsy!! So glad we've gotten to know you!



    1. Pam,

      Thank you so much! I am very glad to have gotten to know the lovely ladies of the Foxes Den!
